UK visitors

We had some guests on Wednesday. Andrew and Amanda were in town with Jake, Eoin, as well as Amanda's sister's family (Catherine, Rob, Finlay and Keira). They had been to the Aquarium earlier that day, and had dropped by to say hello.
The kids were gorgeous, very curious and not at all shy. Finlay was fascinated by the "gooddies" and "baddies" of the chess set. He was equally chuffed about Sally's bean bag, deciding to challenge it to a game of wrestle, with Jake's help.
Meanwhile Keira decided to check out Sally's doll collections, and was quite taken by the tiara which normally sits on Garfield. Rob also seemed quite partial to the tiara, but unfortunately we weren't quick enough to get that photo on camera.
After all the fun and games we went out for dinner on Lygon Street