Stephen and Karen's long quest for a new home has ended
Stephen and Karen found a lovely house just around the corner from their current home. Settlement is in August.

Aidan was very excited about the new place, he wrote, on the brochure, "Sold for the Lacey family", without his parents' knowledge.

Everyone else was keen to have a look also.

Aidan has already chosen his room, the only non-pink room in the house.

His other favourite spot in the house was in the Master bedroom, where there were two opposing mirrors. "Look, there are thousands of me"

Aidan was very excited about the new place, he wrote, on the brochure, "Sold for the Lacey family", without his parents' knowledge.

Everyone else was keen to have a look also.

Aidan has already chosen his room, the only non-pink room in the house.

His other favourite spot in the house was in the Master bedroom, where there were two opposing mirrors. "Look, there are thousands of me"