Busy busy busy
So cute...............

Mammy and Daddy dropped Sinead off at our place tonight, she's doing a week of clinical placement at a hospital near us. Brendan also came over, and we had a nice roast lamb for dinner. Mammy and Daddy obviously heard about the complete food drought that has hit central Melbourne recently, as Sinead came prepared for her week long stay with us with 5 bananas, 5 tangelos, 5 lunches etc.

We caught up with Kim and Chris last week who recently got engaged. We celebrated at a winery/restaurant in the Red Hill region. Very yummy.

We went to watch Melbourne Victory play Adelaide United last week with Brendan, Stephen, Aidan and Jake. It was a good night, with Melbourne winning. But what pleased the boys even more was Aidan receiving a signed soccer ball from Archie Thompson (Melbourne Victory Striker)

Mammy and Daddy dropped Sinead off at our place tonight, she's doing a week of clinical placement at a hospital near us. Brendan also came over, and we had a nice roast lamb for dinner. Mammy and Daddy obviously heard about the complete food drought that has hit central Melbourne recently, as Sinead came prepared for her week long stay with us with 5 bananas, 5 tangelos, 5 lunches etc.

We caught up with Kim and Chris last week who recently got engaged. We celebrated at a winery/restaurant in the Red Hill region. Very yummy.

We went to watch Melbourne Victory play Adelaide United last week with Brendan, Stephen, Aidan and Jake. It was a good night, with Melbourne winning. But what pleased the boys even more was Aidan receiving a signed soccer ball from Archie Thompson (Melbourne Victory Striker)