We've recently worked out how to drastically reduce the size of videos on iMovie, so that they become a lot easier to post. So expect a lot more videos now!!
S+J+Hannah and Mum Lau came over for Sunday dinner, and we had a yummy lamb roast.
Hannah with her Dai Yee Yee

Hannah trying, and loving DURIAN!!!!

Checking out the new teddy in our new playpen

Sleeping with her new teddy

Higher, Daddy!!!

Showing off her 8 teeth!!!

Hannah and her new teddy
Hannah - song
Hannah "singing"
S+J+Hannah and Mum Lau came over for Sunday dinner, and we had a yummy lamb roast.
Hannah with her Dai Yee Yee

Hannah trying, and loving DURIAN!!!!

Checking out the new teddy in our new playpen

Sleeping with her new teddy

Higher, Daddy!!!

Showing off her 8 teeth!!!

Hannah and her new teddy
Hannah - song
Hannah "singing"