Christmas dinner for the Laus (and nee Laus)

For various reasons, and with only 24 hours' notice, we had the whole Lau/Richardson gang over at our place for Christmas dinner on Saturday. Derek was a champ and managed to put together a most delicious dinner for everyone. The menu:
- Hot smoked salmon with a rocket salad, fetta and capers, topped off with caviar
- Garlic quail
- South Australian oysters with champagne
- Crayfish roasted with garlic butter
- Pumpkin soup (Sally's request)
- Roast chicken with yummy stuffing (stuffing was Sally's second request), and roast vegies
- Anne's yummy Christmas pudding with brandy custard, with Sophia and Jeremy's red bubbly, served with cherries and grapes.
Thanks, Anne, Jeremy and Sophia!