Thank you!
Caitlin has been very spoiled. Thank you to everyone for their well wishes, for visiting, for all the cuddles, pressies, and the flowers etc.

Emma was very doting, and protective of Caitlin. When Caitlin was crying while being cuddled by Grand-dad, she told him that she didn't think Caitlin liked him and that he had better pass Caitlin onto Aidan for a cuddle.

Aidan definitely had the magic touch.

Aunty Amanda spoiled Caitlin with LOTS of cuddles.

Emma was very doting, and protective of Caitlin. When Caitlin was crying while being cuddled by Grand-dad, she told him that she didn't think Caitlin liked him and that he had better pass Caitlin onto Aidan for a cuddle.

Aidan definitely had the magic touch.

Aunty Amanda spoiled Caitlin with LOTS of cuddles.