Derek and Sally's blog

Saturday, July 31, 2010


When we assembled our playpen, we never thought we'd see Aidan in it!

Emma found a bar of soup the other day, and was adamant that I (her baby) had to be cleaned properly.

Mia has started taking a couple of steps. Unfortunately she refuses to do it in front of the camera!


Sally has taken a couple of thousand of photos already in the last 5 weeks! Here's is the abbreviated, abbreviated, abbreviated version.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hannah is growing up quickly!

Like her father, Hannah LOVES all things monkey.

Just for fun, Hannah crawled into Caitlin's bassinet. It seemed like only yesterday that Hannah was Caitlin's size!

More photos of Caitlin

We've noticed a big change in Caitlin in the last few weeks. She's put on 500g in the last 2 and a bit weeks, has grown 2 cm, and is definitely more alert. She's now staying up a lot more during the day, and is a constant delight to us.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Settling in at home

We are settling in at home well, and Caitlin is feeding like there's no tomorrow!

We received a special delivery on Caitlin's one week birthday on Friday. Two very gorgeous toys, one of them a personalised teddy! Thank you very much, Gerard, Siobhan, Kate, Conor and Orla!

Caitlin had a bath at home, with FOUR adults helping. She was a bit shocked by the whole process at first, but was thorougly enjoying it by the end of it. Caitlin also really enjoyed having her uncle, cousin and grandma visit today. We are very blessed to have our families close by.